Gallery of the Turned Hats
December 5, 2003 - Pyroxene's Akubra Federation Deluxe. Man, this hat looks fantastic! Pyroxene described this size 7 1/2  hat as kind of a loose fit  that snugged up nice when he turned it 1 1/2  to 1 3/4 inches. The brim has the standard  1/8 inch  dimentional cut.
Dec. 7 2003 - Langpuss's Regular Akubra Federation, size 59 turned 1.5 inches. He beats up this hat and it has LOTS of character to prove it. He got rid of the dimensional cut with a scissors - while he was wearing it!
Dec. 13, 2003 - Indiana Ken accidentaly put his hat on turned a bit sideways and got a Raiders brim!
Dec. 14, 2003 - Demented Wookie takes the first step and gets the brim. When he's sure he's nailed it, it will be time to reposition the front pinch.
Feb. 23, 2004. Indy Skip found this vintage beaver blend "Rosollino"? on ebay, and put his own ribbon on it. Maybe I should publish a "bashturn" (that's his term) calendar!? Turned 1 1/4 inches. Regular oval on a long oval head.
April 5, 2004 - Schwammy was the first Indygear forum guy to turn his hat and post a picture. That  post was lost, but here's a new pic. Thanks Schwammy!
More hats wanted!
June 3, 04 - Langpuss is back with a new Herbert Johnson, and a Harrison smirk!
Lang's new avatar for August 2004. Langpuss is shure he's found the ultimate Indy hat with this Herbert Johnson distributed only by in Germany... I want one!